2023 February Research Project
On February 17, 2023, Exaudh Mbise (MMTHC Boardmember and Tanzanian Liaison) and Dr. Jill Hilty (MMTHC Board Consultant) flew to Ndoombo, Tanzania to research and meet with three representatives of different lab equipment supplier for a possibility of partnering, and purchasing of additional Lab equipment for the Ndoombo Community Dispensary and to do background work at our facilities for the Vision Health International project that is set to begin in June of this year.
Based on their research, it was decided to purchase a Hematology Analyzer, an automated urine analysis machine, and a water bath for measuring cold agglutinins. Training will be done with Naserian, our Lab Technician, on how to use this equipment. Dr. Jill also spent time with the Dispensary staff doing vision screening and learning how to record patient’s eye evaluation for the VHI Ophthalmology team. The Dispensary staff is excited to have these new Lab tools and to welcome the VHI staff in June.